2023 PinoTrio, Anderson Valley
PinoTrio is a unique white wine blend that brings together three related members of the Pinot family: Blanc, Noir, and Gris. Blanc serves as the base wine, providing a refreshing taste of Pink Lady apples and a subtle hint of minerality. Noir adds to the wine's richness by introducing a velvety texture and delicate notes of marzipan, while Gris contributes its distinctive oily texture to create a symphony of flavors that seamlessly blend. Together, these three Pinot varieties create an elegant and complex wine that is greater than the sum of its parts.
750 ml
100% Estate Grown: Pinot Blanc (40%); Pinot Noir (40%); Pinot Gris (20%)
Cheese Pairing: Boont Corners Two Month
Case Production: 651
Alcohol: 13.7%
TA: 6.3
pH: 3.20
Best of Show White Wine
2024 Press Democrat North Coast Wine Competition
Best of Mendocino AVA
2024 Press Democrat North Coast Wine Competition
Double Gold
2024 Press Democrat North Coast Wine Competition