2023 Anyhow Blanc, Anderson Valley
This rule-breaking blend of Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc is a unique and exciting twist for any white wine enthusiast. With equal parts of each varietal commonly sipped alone or hidden within regional blends, these two exemplify why odd couples can balance. Sarah's masterful winemaking shines through in every sip, as the Chardonnay beautifully complements and enriches the Sauvignon Blanc, while the Sauvignon Blanc adds a zesty, revitalizing twist to the Chardonnay. The result? A phenomenal glass of white wine with a lovely honeysuckle aroma, luscious flavors of toasted rice and dried pear, a refreshing acidity, and sweet and sour notes of ruby grapefruit and lychee. This vibrant wine pairs well with fresh oysters, local seafood, and flavored fresh chèvre, like Laychee with Fennel Pollen & Pink Peppercorn.
750 ml
100% Estate Grown: Chardonnay (50%); Sauvignon Blanc (50%)
Aged in Neutral French Oak
Cheese Pairing: Laychee with Fennel Pollen & Pink Peppercorn
Case Production: 324
Alcohol: 13.5%
TA: 7.2
pH: 3.32
2024 East Meets West Competition