2022 Anyhow Blanc, Anderson Valley
This harmonious union of Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc has the most elusive aroma. Smell it deeply now, in its youth and the nose will fill with Sauvignon Blanc’s notable jasmine scent. Smell it again after a few sips to find deep notes of sweet grass and believe it’s Chardonnay. Open a bottle a few months later and it will have an all-new aroma! This aromatic play on the senses is due to the wines’ marriage for a few months in a single oval before bottling. It preserves and enhances each wine’s best characteristics to make a blended beauty. With a rich mouthfeel of yeast and slate, a zesty acidity, and a citrus twist similar to a Paloma, this sunny wine has become a culinary darling for pairing with fresh oysters or local seafood. We find its bright and peppy nature equally matched with our flavored fresh chèvre, Laychee with Fennel Pollen & Pink Peppercorn.
750 ml
100% Estate Grown: Chardonnay, Clone 76 (50%); Sauvignon Blanc, Clones 376, 530 (50%)
Aged in Neutral French Oak
Cheese Pairing: Laychee with Fennel Pollen & Pink Peppercorn
Case Production: 322
Alcohol: 13.5%
TA: 6.2
pH: 3.31
2023 Harvest Challenge